contemporary contextの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. With them, Israel gives the god a fiercely contemporary context.
  2. Piazza " deftly balances scholarship and contemporary context,"
  3. Therefore, historical events are interpreted consistently in the contemporary context.
  4. Passion and tradition must be harnessed in a contemporary context.
  5. The figures in her work cannot be placed in a contemporary context.


  1. "contemporary clinical trials"の例文
  2. "contemporary commercial music"の例文
  3. "contemporary communications"の例文
  4. "contemporary comparison"の例文
  5. "contemporary concepts"の例文
  6. "contemporary country"の例文
  7. "contemporary cuisine"の例文
  8. "contemporary cultural anthropology"の例文
  9. "contemporary culture"の例文
  10. "contemporary culture of south korea"の例文
  11. "contemporary comparison"の例文
  12. "contemporary concepts"の例文
  13. "contemporary country"の例文
  14. "contemporary cuisine"の例文

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